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Out on Steam
" channels Hornblower better than anything else I’m aware of, is rammed with tough, interesting choices, and has the kind of natural momentum seldom seen..."
HMS recreates the life aboard an 18th century Royal Navy warship, with the player assuming the role of master and commander.
The primary objective of the game is to be promoted to Admiral of the Fleet, without having any mutiny nor losing the vessel.
The player starts as a Captain aboard a frigate and then progresses through the ranks.
The narrative unfolds in real time on your PC and iPad, adding drama and tension into this abstract naval simulation.
HMS can be played as single player or multiplayer.
Progress from captaining a Frigate all the way to a first rate Ship of the Line
Outplay on Co-Op or Mutliplayer to become Admiral of the Fleet
Fight the Spanish and Pirates on the high seas
Real time ship and crew management
Take Midshipmen onboard and make them Officers in the Royal Navy
Train your crew and promote them to to increase effectiveness
Keep the crew from mutiny and at the same time ensure your career is on track
Raid towns, build forts and press gang new sailors into service
Manage your stores of food, rum, gunpowder and gold

Every Single Soldier (Pty) Ltd Cape Town South Africa 2019
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